Light is the means by which human beings see themselves, each other, and their place in the Universe.
On 20 December 2013, The United Nations (UN) General Assembly 68th Session proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015).
Light is an essential part of culture and art and is a unifying symbol for the world. An International Year of Light is the ideal instrument to ensure the necessary increased worldwide awareness of the central role of light in the present and in the future of us all. It will promote the presence of light in science and culture, and the importance of light-based technologies for the equitable development of global society.
But why in 2015?
- 1015: Works on optics by Ibn Al-Haytham
- 1815: The notion of light as a wave proposed by Fresnel
- 1865: The electromagnetic theory of light propagation proposed by Maxwell
- 1915: Einstein’s theory of the photoelectric effect in 1905 and of the embedding of light in cosmology through general relativity
- 1965: Discovery of the cosmic microwave background by Penzias and Wilson, and Charles Kao’s achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication
'An International Year of Light is a tremendous opportunity to ensure that international policymakers and stakeholders are made aware of the problem-solving potential of light technology. We now have a unique opportunity to raise global awareness of this.'
John Dudley, Chairman of the IYL 2015 Steering Committee
The project is not only about science, however – light also touches on culture, history and education. Issues of sustainability and development are also of central importance.The International Year of Light will consist of coordinated activities on national, regional and international levels. Activities will be planned so that people of all ages and all backgrounds from all countries appreciate the central role of light in science and culture, and as a cross-cutting scientific discipline that can advance sustainable development.
For more information on the International Year of Light, visit the official
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